Tuesday, 11:22am, Manuel Antonio main beach, raining
Ahhh it's our last day in Manuel Antonio. 2 plus weeks has absolutely flown by. It was my friends birthday last Sunday, which passed with lots of smiles, dancing, and most importantly, cake. Last night we went to Byblos (a restaurant pool/snooker place/bar by night) to say farewell, ciao we´ll be back soon enough to everyone. Quite sad really. Everyone seemed really sad to hear that we were leaving. Mind you I didn't go round advertising it as I am not especially fond of goodbyes. Well let's face it who is?

My friend actually hadn't had a cake on her birthday (one before on Friday) so to make up for it i made two. Turned out to be interesting as the oven ran out of gas at 21:45 half way through baking the second cake and we had to toddle all over to try and find some more. Luckily our incredibly smiley land lady was still up (although that it not surprising for a tica lady) and gave us the HUGE gas canister from the unoccupied apartment below us. Anyhoo, so we turn up to Byblos with a cake each in the hand. I felt like a cake celebrity and got wished happy birthday aaaa lot. No one seemed to want to hear that it actually wasn't my birthday. O well. So in about 5 hours my friend and one of out better tico friends and myself will be catching the bus to San Jose. Sob. Wish it wasn't raining. Pero.....we´re now in Marlins restaurant and I´m eating the most delicious fish I have ever eaten in my life it is scrumptious. Rico :)
Thursday, 15:02, Costa Rica Backpackers once more
I am currently in San José, heading off on a bus to Nicaragua's border at the bright and early time of 5.30am. Still, in my opinion it is better to get up early to make the most of the day. I despise myself (well maybe that's slightly strong a word) if for whatever reason time is spent unnecessarily when there is so much to see and do. Life is rather short after all :)
O. There is a tropical storm that has just hit Nica and believe it or not Parrita which is just north or Quepos. If we had left Quepos a day later err well we wouldn't have. The bridge that the bus has to cross is 3 feet under water, houses cars swept away you name it. Everywhere an angry churning surge of storm water. The news says that it should have passed into Guatemala by Friday morning but there's more on the way. So. We´re now catching the 03:00 bus to San Salvador, El Salvador's unfrequented capital. 22hrs! eek!