Sunday, 1 February 2015

Travelling round the world 101 - trying to out run the storm in San Salvador

Sunday, 10:15, San Salvador, old quarter
We awoke early mainly due to the large amount of light streaming through the particularly broken un-curtained windows. We had an interesting time last night, we'd just got into our bunks after seeing two fat cockroaches scuttle across the ceiling close to my top bunk, only to hear an earth shattering scream issuing from downstairs. We rushed downstairs to find 3 fellow female backpackers crouched on chairs in the kitchen staring at the most ENORMOUS! brown hairy rat that the owner of the hostel had just killed by hitting it over the head with a brick in their dorm room across the hall. The rats blood was slowly seeping across the floor, but thankfully it was cleaned up quickly! :/

What these backpackers will do to save money huh? Good have had a nice curtained contained dorm with a lock next to a bathroom for $2 more, pero we decided to be economica and sleep upstairs in this down with ´mattresses´(I think it was actually just cardboard) up a tiny windy rickety metal staircase which reminded me of a set for Westside story...but the cast would have needed to all be under 5 feet. Getting a 60-plus-litre backpack up those stairs was interesting I can tell you! Still it's all fun and adds to the adventure, plus makes you appreciate comforts a lot more as well. Though actually this time when I got home it was nice for about a week but then I was like next place? You really don't need all the home luxuries. Especially when you have been literally living out of a sack surrounded by people with absolutely nothing. Annnnyyhoooo. Ramble over.

It's been generally pouring with rain all day. We wondered round the massive local markets been overwhelmed with the shouts, noises and smells, vendors thrusting their produce in your face calling their wares, caught local buses, visited some absolutely stunning churches and cathedrals whose ceilings seemed to extend to touch heaven itself, pondered in a beautiful and interesting national art museum (really wish I´d taken my camera out). Finished off the day with a wonderful traditional El Salvadorian meal of....Chinese. Unfortunately all the restaurants with in hiking distance of our hostel were big american chains. Urgh. Ladies are not supposed to walk after dark remember? The price we pay for being white (and therefore understandably perceived to be wealthy) and female. Tallyhoo.

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