So many women suffer in
Suffer this weight, this
heaviness that was placed upon us.
No you may not
speak of this.
It is dirty, shameful,
We must not speak of it.
So we’re chained up in
this silence.
Not daring to break free
because of the fear.
Fear of being cast out, rejected,
That we are not fellow
human beings worth of respect.
But objects, to be used
and discarded.
These chains of silence
are so heavy.
They constrict our airways
and block up our throats.
Squash our voices and
still our tongues.
Muting our dreams and
For we must now focus our
energy on getting through each day.
On surviving.
Yet we are bursting to be
free of it, suffocating under this weight.
This pain that we’re told
we must carry around inside of us.
That our bodies are no
longer our bodies.
They have been tainted,
disrespected, violated.
We are made to feel
vulnerable, frightened and afraid.
Perhaps before we would
have spoken out.
Now we are silent.
Now we carry this shame as
a lead ball within our chest.
A dark heavy greyness that
fills us, weighing us down.
It may manifest itself
physically as headaches, backache or cramps.
But most of all it is
heavy, the thing around our neck.
This coercion and control
which stoppers our voices and dampens our spirit.
Prevents us from carrying
on, speaking up, moving forward.
For a while we are in
limbo, unable to move on.
One step forward and two
steps back.
Our past tries to drown us,
drag us sideways, downwards.
Stifling our needs and
To feel inside that
something has broken.
Shattered into a thousand
tiny pieces.
Spinning off into an
endless abyss.
But that yes with time,
these pieces can be picked up and begun to be put back together.
And yes with time these
cracks will begin to fade
And slowly this weight
across our chest will ease
So it is a process, a
balancing act.
A journey without a
specific destination in mind
Perhaps the destination is
to break the silence.
To speak out, speak up.
To face our fear.
To move further along the
spectrum of victim to survivor.
Now we can begin to
reclaim spaces that were taken from us.
To confront the fears we
have kept hidden for so long.
Slowly we can begin to
feel whole again.
And slowly the thing
around our neck begins to loosen.
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